Complicating the writing of deaf subjects in the L2 – Portuguese Language


  • Suzana Bertó
  • Rosângela Gabriel



Língua Brasileira de Sinais, Educação de Surdos, Bilingüismo, Descontinuidade sinais - escrita


The research work developed intends to present an account of the foundation and objectives of the educational programs for the deaf: oralism, total communication and bilinguism. There is consensus from the three programs to the importance of writing. The problem which is observed is the discontinuance between the sign language and the alphabetical writing of the deaf. The discussion is centered in the acquiring of the language, in the sign language as a mother language. (L1), and in the reading and writing of the second language (L2), in Brazil, the Portuguese language. The first refers to the three educational programs observed in the history of education of the deaf (oralism, total communication and bilinguism). The second subject refers to the discontinuance between the sign language and the alphabetical writing of the deaf, a problem discussed by Capovilla and Capobilla (2004). The bilinguism is the educational program defended by researchers, such as Quadros (1997) and Skliar (1998). This program serves to the expectations of the deaf community however, it is being questioned for not being able to keep up with problems, such as the alphabetical writing of the deaf subject. In order to demonstrate the discontinuance between the sign language and the alphabetical writing, written texts produced by the deaf are presented.


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How to Cite

Bertó, S., & Gabriel, R. (2007). Complicating the writing of deaf subjects in the L2 – Portuguese Language. Signo, 32(53), 189-204.


