
  • Ágora

    Revista de História, Geografia e Gastronomia da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.

  • Barbarói

    Revista do Departamento de Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Revista Barbarói é B1 no Qualis CAPES.
  • Caderno de Pesquisa

    Revista do Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Caderno de Pesquisa é B3 no Qualis CAPES.

  • Cinergis

    Revista do Departamento de Educação Física e Saúde e do Mestrado em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - Unisc.
  • Estudos do CEPE

    Revista do Departamento de Ciências Econômicas, do Departamento de Ciências Administrativas e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.


    The mission of PSI UNISC is to disseminate and promote scientific knowledge in Psychology through scientific research publications in the areas of Mental Health and Social Practices. It prioritizes interdisciplinary research and discussions related to clinical and social contexts, given its role as a reference for professional practices.

    The Journal was first published in 2017 and since 2019 it is linked to the Professional Master's Program in Psychology at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC.

    PSI UNISC accepts original and unpublished works, including research and experience reports, theoretical and historical works, and essays concerning themes that are the focus of the journal. There are no fees for evaluation or publication.

  • Redes

    Redes – The Journal of Regional Development is a publication issued regularly every three months by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – RS/Brasil. The journal is managed and published by Centro de Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento Regional – CEPEDER, its editorial policy aims to disseminate knowledge about social development, economic, cultural, political-institutional and technological processes that compose the regional space.

  • Reflexão e Ação

    A journal from the Education Department and from the Post-Graduation Program in Education – Master’s and Doctoral degree at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC. The Journal Reflexão e Ação has a A3 certification for the Qualis-Education/CAPES (Qualis 2017-2020).

  • Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção

    Santa Cruz Hospital Epidemiology Center and graduate program in Health Promotion Journal – Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Journal of Epidemiology and Infection Control is classified as B2 Qualis CAPES.

  • Revista do CEPA

    Revista do Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Arqueológicas da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Revista do CEPA é B4 no Qualis CAPES.
  • Revista do Direito

    Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito - Mestrado e Doutorado da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Revista do Direito é A2 no Qualis CAPES.
  • Revista Interdisciplinar de Promoção da Saúde

    The Interdisciplinary Journal of Health Promotion / RIPS is the official publication of the Graduate Program in Health Promotion and the Department of Health Sciences at Santa Cruz do Sul University, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The journal is quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed, and publishes original scientific articles, Case Studies, Systematic Review, and Meta-Analysis and Letters to the Editor. The editorial board is made up of professors and researchers from various educational institutions and national and international research centers with a high ethical and scientific sense, critical capacity and human resources training. The journal disseminates the experiences and scientific studies related to subjects that contribute to knowledge in the area of health promotion, prevention and recovery, linked to studies and research in health or other fields of research related to them and with an interdisciplinary approach. Accepts articles with quantitative and qualitative approaches, descriptive, analytical research, clinical, epidemiological and environmental studies, which have as their final objective the dissemination of scientific knowledge in Health Promotion and Public / Public Health. Numbers or supplements may be prepared as consensus, event annals and special series. The objective is to support the dissemination of actions carried out within the scope of health promotion aimed at contributing to the understanding and control of health problems affecting society at different levels of health care. We encourage you to submit your research in this wide-ranging journal to publicize advances in health research!

  • Revista Jovens Pesquisadores

    A Revista Jovens Pesquisadores, da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, têm como objetivo valorizar e divulgar as atividades de pesquisa desenvolvidas pelos nossos alunos, bolsistas de iniciação científica, junto aos projetos de pesquisa, coordenados pelos professores da Universidade. A Revista se insere enquanto importante momento no desenvolvimento do pensamento científico dos estudantes dos cursos de graduação da Instituição, além de contribuir decisivamente na formação qualificada de recursos humanos para a pesquisa.

  • Rizoma

    Revista do Departamento de Gestão e Comunicação da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc) Qualis/Capes B2 na áreas de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas e Literatura/Linguística.
  • Signo

    Journal of the Course of Modern Languages and the Graduate Program in Language Studies and Literature – Master's and Doctorate Degree , Department Of Science, Humanities and Education, of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Revista Signo was rated as A2 in Qualis CAPES 2010-2012 (Brazilian Journal evaluation of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and B1 in Qualis CAPES 2013-2016.
  • Tecno-Lógica

    Revista vinculada aos Programas de Pós-graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental - Mestrado e Doutorado e em Sistemas e Processos Industriais - Mestrado da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.