Rural family agro-industries (RFAs) as a strategy for socioeconomic reproduction of family farming in the municipalities of Santo Augusto and Campo Novo – RS




Agro-industrialization. Local Development. Strategies. Adding Value.


Rural family agro-industries (RFAs) have become an important strategy for socioeconomic reproduction in family farming. In this way, the aim of this article is to analyze - in a specific case - the importance of agro-industrialization processes in rural properties that partially or totally transform the raw material. And then, answer these questions: What is the importance of agro-industrialization processes in rural properties? How do RFAs promote socioeconomic reproduction of the family unit? The literature review is based on the discussions about the socioeconomic reproduction of family farming, the RFAs, here considered as a reproduction strategy of the families, and the contributions they bring to the context of rural development. The empirical research context involved the municipalities of Santo Augusto and Campo Novo/RS in the period of December 2017. The methodology consisted of a case study with four ARFs defined as agro-industry A (molasses processing), agro-industry B (processed meat), agro-industry C (cassava) and agro-industry D (bakery products). The results indicated that the ARFs appear as new practices of rural development, since they ensure the permanence of families in the field, mainly young people and women. Also, it is used by farmers as a complementary income strategy, adding value to the products and diversifying through pluriactive tasks, aiming a higher quality of family life. ARFs contribute directly to local socioeconomic development, preserving culture and traditions, since their products are sold in the municipality, as in supermarkets, schools, fairs, among others.


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Author Biographies

Rosani Marisa Spanevello, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões, Palmeira das Missões, RS.

Doutora em Desenvolvimento Rural pela UFRGS, mestre em Extensão Rural pela UFSM e graduada em Agronomia pela UFSM. Professora do curso de Zootecnia e do programa de pós-graduação em Agronegócios, UFSM, campus Palmeira das Missões.

Luana Cristina Duarte, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões, Palmeira das Missões, RS.

Tecnóloga em Agronegócio pelo Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto, especialista em Espaços Alternativos do Ensino e Aprendizagem pelo Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto, mestranda em Agronegócios (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões.

Catia Letícia Corrêa Schneider, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões, Palmeira das Missões, RS.

Graduada em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), mestranda do programa de pós-graduação em Agronegócios da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões.

Sinara Pizzi Martins, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões, Palmeira das Missões, RS.

Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Licenciada em Matemática – UNINTER, mestranda do programa de pós-graduação em Agronegócios da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), campus Palmeira das Missões.



How to Cite

Spanevello, R. M., Duarte, L. C., Schneider, C. L. C., & Martins, S. P. (2019). Rural family agro-industries (RFAs) as a strategy for socioeconomic reproduction of family farming in the municipalities of Santo Augusto and Campo Novo – RS. Redes , 24(3), 198-216.



Rural and urban (re) configurations in food and the territorial perspective