Technological Solutions for Family Farming and Regional Development
an approach using entrepreneurial education methodologies in Rio Grande do Sul and Western Amazon
Territorial development, Innovation, Rural youth, ExtensionAbstract
This article aims to describe the research carried out by the author, linked to her CNPq Productivity Scholarship. The project is characterized as research and extension and is being developed within the framework of the Postgraduate Programme in Regional Development at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The aim of the research is to develop entrepreneurial education methodologies with young rural people in Rio Grande do Sul and the Western Amazon, in order to identify and implement technological solutions for family-based farms, supported by the relationship established between the University, schools, partners and supporters. The proposal's empirical area of operation is the municipalities of Montenegro, Santa Cruz do Sul and Pantano Grande in Rio Grande do Sul and the municipalities of Manaus, Manacapuru and the Jatuarana, Tururucari-Uka, Terra Preta e São Francisco do Mainã Community in the Western Amazon. The methodological approach uses teaching tools aimed at entrepreneurial education, based on active methodologies, especially the Project-Based Approach (PBA). In addition to a set of activities and techniques, such as: online and semi-presential interactions; visits to rural properties; the production of online or hybrid workshops; the organization of a booklet with the technological solutions found and developed; return of the results to the general community. The results are still preliminary, as the research is ongoing. Various technological solutions have been identified, including: aquaponics, a poultry turning machine, a hydraulic ram, a hollow shovel, among others. The conclusion is that family farmers can play a leading role in the development of their territory through partnerships with organizations such as universities, research bodies and associations.
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