The local heritage as a factor of development: Tourism potential Jaguarão-RS


  • Juliane Conceição Primon Serres UFPEL
  • Juliana Rose Jasper Bacharel e Mestre em Turismo. Professora Universidade Federal do Pampa.



Heritage. Development. Tourism. Jaguarão.


The local heritage is an identity element and it is currently becoming an important component of motivation for the tourism. Given its urban center, pointed as the largest protected area under the historic and landscaped perspective of the Rio Grande do Sul, the city of Jaguarão, located in the southern part of the state, a municipality bordering Brazil and Uruguay, was considered by IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage) Brazilian Cultural Heritage since 2011. The paper discusses the possibilities of taking the heritage of Jaguarão as an alternative for tourism and local development.


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Author Biography

Juliane Conceição Primon Serres, UFPEL

Doutora em História. Professora Adjunta do Curso de Museologia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural - UFPel.



How to Cite

Serres, J. C. P., & Jasper, J. R. (2015). The local heritage as a factor of development: Tourism potential Jaguarão-RS. Redes , 20(3), 332-348.