
SIGNO - CALL FOR VOLUME 49, NUMBER 96, 2024 - Shared book reading practices in childhood and relations with linguistic and cognitive development


The SIGNO Journal invites authors to submit unpublished articles on shared book reading practices in childhood, to be included in volume 49, number 96, 2024.

Shared book reading refers to adult-child reading interactions occurring in the home, school, or other places of interest. A large number of studies to date have sought to describe characteristics of shared book reading practices, factors that contribute to shared book reading practices, and the relations between shared book reading and children’s linguistic and cognitive development. This research base continues to evolve. Considerable research shows that the frequency and quality of shared book reading practices can support a range of early language and cognitive domains, such as vocabulary, print knowledge, phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, numeracy, and self regulationIn later school years, shared book reading practices can contribute to the expansion and consolidation of complex cognitive skills such as monitoring comprehension, inferences, prediction, and verbal reasoning.

Read more about SIGNO - CALL FOR VOLUME 49, NUMBER 96, 2024 - Shared book reading practices in childhood and relations with linguistic and cognitive development

Current Issue

Vol. 49 No. 94 (2024): Leitura comparada das mídias

Janeiro - Abril


Profa. Dra. Ana Cláudia Munari Domingos

José Arlei Cardoso

Ricardo Carniel Bugs

Published: 2024-01-17

v. 49, n. 94, 2024 - Leitura comparada das mídias

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Revista Signo is published by CEPELL – Literary and Language Research and Study Center, linked to the Course of Modern Languages and the Graduate Program in Language Studies and Literature of UNISC.

Signo has been published since 1975, every six months. From 1975 to 2006, Signo was published in print version under the ISSN 0101 1812. As of 2007, the journal evolved to an electronic version, under the e-ISSN 1982-2014. In 2016, Signo became a four-monthly journal.

The journal publishes original studies, of theoretical or applied character, in the area of ​​Literature and Linguistics and its interfaces. Publication of thematic editions is at the discretion of the Editors. Signo does not charge the authors fees for submission, evaluation and publication of articles and supports open access policies.

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