
CHAMADA DOSSIÊ v.32, n.3 de 2024: “Pesquisas narrativas, formação de professores(as) e cotidiano escolar”


Agenciar outros mundos possíveis com as múltiplas experiências instituintes sensíveis, (auto)formadoras e emancipatórias com pesquisas narrativas e (auto)biográficas na tematização da formação de professores(as) com os cotidianos escolares é a proposta desse dossiê.


Prof. Dr. Joelson de Sousa Morais (UFMA)

Prof. Dr. Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado (UNICAMP)

Profa. Dra. Graça Regina Franco da Silva Reis (UFRJ)

Read more about CHAMADA DOSSIÊ v.32, n.3 de 2024: “Pesquisas narrativas, formação de professores(as) e cotidiano escolar”

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Vol. 31 No. 3 (2023)
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Published: 2023-12-29


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A quarterly publication from the Education Department and the Post-Graduation Program in Education - Master’s and Doctoral degree at UNISC, which is committed with the discussion of the contemporary issues in the educational area, comprehended in its historicity and complexity. Within its function of promoting the scientific production in the Education and correlated areas – they jointly constitute a mediation process between the action and the reflection of the pedagogical praxis – relying on the contribution of educators and researchers linked to institutions with national and international visibility.

Ever since its very beginning, in 1992, the journal editorial line has been focusing on the expression of educational mediations of the Education Department from UNISC, through the emphasis on themes such as teacher training and popular education. As far as the actions in education and research were expanded in the university, with the creation of the Post-Graduation Program in Education, the thematic universe of the journal Reflexão e Ação was also expanded, in order to include the different research lines from the Master’s course.

Associated to the human and social areas, specifically to education, this journal aims at contributing to emphasize the fact that in the face of the magnitude of the challenges in the area, the act of thinking is still a possible action and, by the same token, necessary. Available in an electronic journal portal with open access, this publication is proposed as a channel of visibility and support to the bonds created to boost the knowledge among universities and the whole of society.

A3 (Qualis 2017-2020).

Directory Catalogues

Currently, the journal Reflexão e Ação is indexed on the following bases:
1. DOAJ -
2. Diadorim -
3. Crossref -
4. Edubase -
5. Índice de Revistas de Educación Superior e Investigatión Educativa - IRESIE - http://iisue/www/seccion/bd_iresie/
6. Latindex -
7. Google Acadêmico -
Data Base
1. Educ@ -
2. Sumários.Org -
1. Portal .periodicos. Capes - www-periodicos-capes-gov-br
2. LivRe -
3. Organização de Estados Ibero-americanos -
4. Catálogo Coletivo Nacional -
5. Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação – INEP/MEC -